Instructor information                                   Course Information

Name:    Frances Vitali                                       Section Number: #450

Office:    UC #233                                                                Class Days/Times: Thursdays

                                                                         5- 8pm

Office Hours: 1hour before                                Location: UC Classroom #221

 & after class & by appointment                        Email:


Phone: 505.566.3480 (UNM) | 324.0894 (H)  | 505.330.1536 (C)

Course BLOG



University of New Mexico

College of Education

Teacher Education Department

EDUC 501  Syllabus

Practitioner Research | Fall 2008

(UNM  IRB Appendix)





Course Description

Practitioner research is action-oriented inquiry that takes place in the researcher’s own classroom or work or social setting. Practitioner research is seen as a way to explore questions that arise in one’s own practice and/or school; it is seen as a new approach to professional development, transformational learning and educational change. Because researchers are also participants in their own study, this form of research differs from more traditional quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Participants will read and analyze research by other practitioner researchers as well as design and implement a project of their own.



Focus on the theory and practice of educators as researchers by reading research by other teacher practitioners and scholarly academic journals and designing your own research proposal for implementation in LLSS 590 Seminar.

This capstone experience is not a testimony of intelligence but a processual documentary of yourself as an educator committed to the act of learning about your self and your students. This capstone process involves authentic learning involving change, transformation, creative thinking, learning along side your students, challenging your teaching and learning paradigms, and risk taking. Accept this new experience with the natural fascination of inquiry rather than with fear and anxiety. The perspective of yourself as teacher practitioners invites a new way of thinking that will transform yourself as a researcher and educator.



From the New Mexico Teacher Competencies, Master Teacher-Level III:

·         III.B.         Involve students in establishing instructional direction and plans.

·         III.E.         Engage students in the analysis and evaluation of their learning and adjust instruction based on their feedback.

·         III.F.         Communicate regularly with students about their progress.

·         IV.B.        Select the most effective teaching techniques to address a variety of student learning levels, styles, and needs as well  

                         as diverse interests and backgrounds.

·         V.A.         Design and use multiple methods of measuring student understanding and growth.

·         V.B.         Integrate assessment from multiple sources into instructional planning and improvement.

·         V.C.         Maintain documentation of student progress.

·         VI.C.        Engage students in establishing expectations for building a learning community in the classroom.



  • Hubbard, R. S. & Power, B. M. (1999). Living the questions: A guide for teacher-researchers. York, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers. [ISBN: 1571100814]
  • Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (2001). [5th Ed.]. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. [ISBN: 1557987912]


Materials& Resources

UNM Graduate Research Support at


Additional Materials (OPTIONAL)

Recommended Background Reading:

Ø       Heath, S. B. (1983). Ways with words: Language, life and work in communities and classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ø       Working toward equity: Writings and resources from the teacher research collaborative. (2005). Berkeley, CA: National Writing Project.

Ø       King, S.  (2000). On Writing: A memoir of the craft. NY: Scribner.[ISBN: 0684853523]

Ø       Lamott, A. (1996). Bird by bird: Some instructions on writing and life. NY: Anchor Books (Random House).

Ø       Anderson, G., Herr, K. & Nihhlen, A. (1994). Studying your own classroom: An educator’s guide to qualitative practitioner research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.



Ø       Vicki Holmsten, Bisti Writing Director & SJC English Professor

Ø       UNM-Gallup EDUC 501 Teacher Practitioners collegial dialogue & sharing of research

Ø       SJC Library research databases

Ø       Lynne Lane, Computer Technology support & Smartlab computer lab

Ø       Rebel Palm, UNM Coordinator of the Graduate Writing Center

Ø       UNM Alumnae practitioner researchers


Course objectives:

  To develop and complete the inquiry project proposal as the precursor to the final research project completed during Spring 2007 590 Seminar.

  To prepare a written and oral presentation of the research project proposal.

                  To receive feedback on the development of the research proposal project.

  To work independently in the research process in accordance to timelines.

  To reflect in learning journals and within writing groups research process and product.

  To demonstrate competence in professional communication oral and written, including APA style.

To prepare ethical research according to human subjects protocol.


Course Expectations:

  The research project proposal will involve a preliminary plan which will be developed and concluded during the following Spring in EDUC 590.

  The research paper proposal should conform to APA style.

  Complete UNM IRB Human Subjects Modules toward completion certification

  Attendance requirements follow UNM catalog and instructor guidelines.  Since extensive reflection, feedback, and exploration related to the research project proposal will take place in seminar sessions, it is expected that students will be present and on time for each session. Two absences are excessive, and if they occur the student should meet with the instructor to discuss whether to continue the course.  Punctuality is expected and a reflection of professional responsibility. If an emergency will result in an absence or tardy, please contact the instructor promptly and beforehand if possible.

  Academic integrity will be honored according to UNM policy on Dishonesty in Academic Matters. See VIII below.

  *We will observe European etiquette of cell phone use (including texting). Cell phones should be turned off during class to avoid disrupting the flow of communication & learning for colleagues. Please take care of phone calls before or after class. If you are expecting a necessary call during seminar, please inform instructor before session.

  Please make arrangements for child care while you are in class.  Bringing your children creates a major distraction for you, other students, and the instructor and is liability issue.

Maintain and exhibit professionalism with colleagues in attitude, work and product.

Communication skills in writing and speaking commensurate with graduate level expectations.


Course Requirement

Graduate cohort students will have completed all previous core courses prior except for EDUC 438 and LLSS Seminar 590


Instructional Strategies

                Individual research projects, project-based learning,  including academic writing and drafting, writing group conferences, meeting timelines,                 reflection journals, discourse on course BLOG, online  database and academic      literature searching, midterm & final individual conferences,     online modules.



                Means of interpreting and assessing student achievement will involve Course Strands and Dimensions of Learning. Grading will be evaluated using the Course Strands across the Five Dimensions of Learning.


Course Strands:

communication, research/content, technology, and collaboration.

Dimensions of Learning:

confidence and independence | mastery of skills and strategies | use of prior and emerging experience | knowledge of content matter | and critical reflection.


Invitations to Research provide evidence to support achievement within these dimensions and course strands as you gain confidence in the process of writing your research proposal. Final grade evaluation will be based on the following components.

+Teacher-classroom journal, turned in as required

+4 Reflection papers


+Class Participation & Writing Group Participation

+Midterm & Final evaluation/reflection

+Proposals, oral and written APA style (see criteria below)

        +UNM IRB Human Subjects Module completion Certificate

*Peter Post of the Emily Post Institute and author of The Etiquette Advantage in Business highlights the tenets of good cell phone etiquette in public settings:

  • If your cell may be bothersome to those around you, do not use it
  • Put your cell on vibrate or turn it off as a courtesy to others
  • If you are expecting a critical phone call, inform instructor prior to seminar
  • If your cell phone does go off, quickly open and close it.
  • Above all, in encouraging an optimum learning environment we all contribute to being considerate, respectful and honest of ourselves and others.

Source: Wollman, D. (2008). Expert: cell phone etiquette 101. Retrieved August 14, 2008. Available at


Each component above is interrelated and interdependent culminating towards the course goal of completing a final research proposal which will be implemented and completed in Spring 2009  590 Research Seminar.



Research project proposal meets all criteria for completion including all Invitations to Research with adherence to all timelines. Evidence of significant development across the five dimensions of learning and course strands.


Research project proposal meets all criteria for completion including all Invitations to Research. Evidence of marked development across the five dimensions of learning and course strands.

No Incomplete grades will be given for Graduate course work. If your work in this course does not meet A or B quality, completion of your graduate program is in jeopardy.


Attendance Policy:

            Attendance is expected at all classes.   Arrive on time to allow classes to begin (and end) at their scheduled times.  Attendance and punctuality are crucial professional responsibilities.  If you are absent two times (excused or unexcused) this semester, arrange to meet with your instructor to discuss extenuating circumstances and whether it is advisable to continue the course.  A student with three absences will be dropped from the course by the instructor. “The reporting of absences does not relieve the student of responsibility for missed assignments, exams, etc.  The student is required to take the initiative in arranging to make up missed work, and it is expected that faculty will cooperate with the student in reasonable arrangements in this regard.” (UNM Pathfinder)


            It is your responsibility to check in with the Instructor after the missed class for all make up work.


Accommodation Statement

                The University of New Mexico seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for any student in this class who has special needs because of learning disabilities.  The University will adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity.  It is the student’s responsibility to register with Student Support Services and to contact the faculty member in a timely manner to arrange for appropriate accommodations.  Please let me know about any special needs as soon as possible.


Plagiarism Statement

                Plagiarism is the presentation as original work by a writer of ideas, words, or thoughts belonging to someone else.  You must provide a reference not indicating the source of any specific words borrowed from another source.  Any project containing incidents of plagiarism will receive no credit or grade.  Plagiarism is a serious offense in any college course and can lead to failure in that course or expulsion from UNM.


Accreditation Information

                The College of Education is an NCATE accredited institution.  NCATE stands for “National Counsel for Accreditation of Teacher Education” (  All COE courses address specific NCATE and professional society guidelines and support the College of Education’s Vision, Mission and Conceptual Framework.  I encourage you to learn about and spend some time thinking about the College of Education’s Vision and Mission Statements.  Hypertext links to relevant information are provided on the Accreditation Information page:

Course outline: Activities/Topics

Due Dates

IRB Human Subjects Module

August 28

IRB Human Subjects Module

1-2 pages of teacher journal  #1

Sept. 4

IRB Human Subjects Module

Sept. 11

1-2 pages of teacher journal  #2

IRB Human Subjects Module

Sept. 18

Reading Reflection Paper #1 (

IRB Human Subjects Module 

Sept. 25

1-2 pages of teacher journal  #3

IRB Human Subjects Module


Midterm Evaluation/Summary

Oct. 9

Midterm Conferences

Oct. 9


IRB Human Subjects Module- print certificate of completed

Oct. 16

Reading Reflection Paper # 2  (

Oct. 23 (work at home)

WRITING NIGHT for proposal draft!

Oct. 30

Reading Reflection Paper #3

Oct. 30

Complete DRAFT of Research Proposal

Nov. 6

Research Proposal Oral Presentation to San Juan Center committee

Nov. 13

Reading Reflection Paper #4

Nov. 20

Oral Presentations to COE TED Committee

Dec. 5 or Dec. 12 or TBA

FINAL Evaluation/Summary

Dec. 4-11

Final Conferences

Dec. 4-11

Research Proposals submitted to IRB as EXPEDITED STATUS

Dec. 15-19






Course Strands and Dimensions of Learning


Means of interpreting and assessing student achievement will involve Course Strands and Dimensions of Learning.


Course Strands

communication, research/content, technology, and collaboration - and scales which describe activities we typically see as stages researchers move through in their development as readers, writers, and users of technology.


Five Dimensions of Learning


Confidence and Independence
Confidence and independence in your own reading, writing, and thinking abilities. We see growth and development when learners' confidence and independence become coordinated with their actual abilities and skills, content knowledge, use of experience, and reflectiveness about their own learning. The overconfident student learns to ask for help when facing an obstacle; the shy student begins to trust her own abilities and begins to work alone at times, or to insist on presenting her own point of view in discussion. In both cases, students develop along the dimension of confidence and independence. Am I becoming confident in the process of research, developing a research proposal, writing the proposal and understanding my role as a research practitioner?


Skills and Strategies
Specific skills and strategies involved in composing and communicating effectively, from concept to organization to polishing grammar and correctness, and including technological skills for computer communication and adherence to APA style. Skills and strategies represent the "know-how" aspect of learning. When we speak of "performance" or "mastery," we generally mean that learners have developed skills and strategies to function successfully in certain situations. In this course, it will be communicating as classroom researchers using available resources-databases; with experts in the field, other colleagues and researchers, your cohort; and effectively communicating to an audience of other educators. Some may opt to publish their research in academic journals. What skills and strategies am I learning and demonstrating as a research practitioner?


Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge and understanding refers to the "content" knowledge gained about practitioner research (process and product), methods, the topics you write about, the methods of organizing and presenting your ideas to others. Knowledge and understanding is the most familiar dimension, focusing on the "know-what" aspect of learning. What is a research question that is meaningful to me? What is my role, purpose, intention, and design of my research inquiry? How well do I research about my topic using research tools available-databases, academic journals, teacher publications, library resources, APA style. How well do I draft a research proposal with required sections for UNM IRB?


Use of Prior and Emerging Experience
The use of prior and emerging experience involves the ability to draw on your own experience and connect it to your work. A crucial but often unrecognized dimension of learning is the ability to make use of prior experience as well as emerging experience in new situations. It is necessary to observe learners over a period of time while they engage in a variety of activities in order to account for the development of this important capability, which is at the heart of creative thinking and its application. In designing your own research proposal and agenda, you may draw upon prior experience from your own teaching experience, courses, projects, professional development, personal connections to help scaffold to new understandings; consider how ongoing experience shapes your knowledge as a practitioner researcher; or how the skills and strategies as a teacher practitioner are developing.


Critical Reflection
Reflection refers to your developing awareness of our own learning process, as well as more analytical approaches to reading, writing, and communication. When we speak of reflection as a crucial component of learning, we are not using the term in its commonsense meaning of reverie or abstract introspection. We are referring to the development of your ability to step back and consider a situation critically and analytically, with growing insight into your own learning processes, a kind of metacognition. Researchers need to develop this capability in order to use what they are learning in the research process to make connections, to recognize the limitations or obstacles confronting them in a given situation, to take advantage of their prior knowledge and experience, and to articulate the process in writing and orally.

It is important that you are made aware of the course strands and the five dimensions of learning. This evaluative process provides a framework with which you can see and evaluate your own growth. As researchers, you are measuring your own learning given the strands and dimensions, considering them in relation to your prior learning.



Midterm Summary

Summary interpretation of observations and evidence in terms of the four major strands of work and the five dimensions of learning.

1.      Four major strands of work: communication, research, technology, and collaboration

2.      Five dimensions of learning:

  • confidence and independence
  • knowledge and understanding
  • skills and strategies
  • use of prior and emerging experience
  • reflectiveness (critical awareness)


Midterm evaluation

  • Estimated evaluation in terms of grade
  • Suggestions for your own further development during remainder of semester
  • Suggestions for class activities or for the professor to better support learning



Final Summary

 Summary interpretation of observations and evidence covering the whole semester in terms of the four major strands of work and the five dimensions of learning. Be sure to connect your interpretations with specific examples included in the observations and samples of work.


1.      Four major strands of work: communication, research, technology, and collaboration

2.      Five dimensions of learning:

  • confidence and independence
  • knowledge and understanding
  • skills and strategies
  • use of prior and emerging experience
  • reflectiveness (critical awareness)


Final evaluation

  • Reflections on semester's learning experience
  • Any suggestions for the professor for future classes
  • Estimated evaluation in terms of grade












Research Proposal

Capstone Project for LLSS 501

UNM-San Juan Center | Fall 2008


Your major paper for this course will be a research proposal, or planning document, for the teacher-research research project you will begin this fall semester and complete in the Spring 2009 semester. The final write-up of this research project will be completed during the final semester of your program in your LLSS 590 Seminar course.


A good, workable question and careful planning ahead for this project will make your life easier throughout the process and lead you to a more useful, meaningful, and gratifying project.



Your proposal must address the following questions in final format. This is a revision on format suggested by Hubbard and Power in chapter 3 of our text, Living the Questions: A Guide for Teacher-Researchers (Hubbard & Power, 1999).


1.       Research Purpose       à        Why do you want to study this? (So what!)

                                                Use this section to also introduce yourself, your school  setting as backstory, and what you know of this question                                                               related to your research of the literature.

2.       Research Question      à        What do I want to study? What subquestions do I have?

                                    State question first and use it in your title


3.       Ethics/Accountability  à        What are ethical issues to consider? (confidentiality, no names, voluntary, risks,                                                       benefits)

                                                            To whom will I be accountable and how will I do this?

·        Consent/Assent …..       What permissions do I need to collect?  Need to develop forms.           

·        Support            …..       Who will help me sustain this project? Principal, cohort, etc.

·        Bias                  …..       Fidelity in my work; how will I keep my biases in check?

·        Integrity             …..       How will ensure confidentiality, freedom, openness, safety and respect with 

                                              students as co-researchers and parents

·        Sharing Results …..       How will final research be available to stakeholders?


4.       Research Design          à        What will my research look like?

·        Data Collection        …..       How will I collect my data?

·        Data Analysis          …..       How will I analyze my data?

·        Timeline                  …..       When will I complete the different phases of my study?

·        Research Instruments à     Questionnaires, Surveys, Interview Questions need to be developed


5.    References List                        à        APA style  according to the 5th edition of the Publication manual of the                                                                                                                                         American Psychological Association (2001).

6.    Other Resources         à        What reading will I do to support this? Who else is knowledgeable about this   

topic. Seek out people to talk to in addition to literature. What have I already read that helps me make connections here? What do I know about this topic already?


7.   APPENDIX(ES)                à        Consent & Assent forms and IRB forms from your school or district, or                                                                                                                                         forms you have developed; questionnaires; data collection methods; references to student work samples; etc.


Dates may be subject to change due to scheduling of UNM COE committee members in Albuquerque. For planning purposes, the following schedule reflects the timeline necessary for the research process.


·    Thursday,  Oct. 9     Midterm conference/summary/evaluation & Mini IRB review committee

·    Thursday, Oct. 16    Topic/preliminary question due. Draft of  Proposal Research writing sections & IRB

·    Thursday, Nov. 6     Complete draft of proposal due at beginning of class for workshop night in class

·     Thursday, Nov. 13    Research Proposal Oral Presentation to San Juan Center committee

·    Friday, Dec. 5, 12    Research Proposal Oral Presentation to UNM TED committee. Copies of proposal will be sent to

                     or TBA     UNM-main campus COE Teacher Education Department faculty members who will be readers     

                                  for your committee.


Research proposals due

·    Dec. 5, 12 or TBA                   Individual committee meetings scheduled for advisory committees – 2 UNM-San            

        (ITV teleconference?)                           Juan Center faculty members and 1 UNM-main campus faculty member will be on each committee.


·    Mid-March 2009                   Preliminary drafts of research projects due. These will be sent to committee members on UNM-main campus for advisory purposes.    

                                                Feedback to assist in preparation of final research papers.


·      End of March 2009              Final research paper due to UNM-San Juan faculty members. Oral exams with 4

(week before Spring Break)               member committees (members as above). Students present research projects and answer questions from committee members. Oral exams are opportunity to share your research story with the academic community. URL for Spring 2006 Oral Exam at


·    April 2009                           Oral exams with 4 member committees (members as above). Students present  

    (Friday, April 3)                          research projects and answer questions from committee members and guests.


·    End of April 2009                 FINAL publishable copy of research project to UNM-San Juan Center

                                                Submit Final Reports for UNM IRB (Sent in together)

·    End of May-June 2009         Final editing submissions for ANTHOLOGY COLLECTIONS

·    End of July 2009                 Anthology published & distributed



Research proposals will serve as the basis for discussion and advice from 4-member committees at the scheduled December committee meeting time.

 I will be looking at how well papers achieve the following criteria:


Research Proposal Criteria:

Ø      A research question that is focused and workable

Ø      All 8 sections of format (as above) and clearly labeled

Ø      Analytical, thoughtful answers to questions posed above (i.e. no single sentence answers).

Ø      Good connections to your thinking and reading from this and other courses in your program.

Ø      Good control of standards of written English, including proper APA documentation.




Research Proposal

LLSS 501 | UNM San Juan Center


1.                  Research Purpose – background information on you and what got you interested in        this project. ***


2.                  Research Question – make your question VERY CLEAR here. Start with it.

                  List any subquestions and/or related questions briefly. (Not much writing.)


3.                  Other resources – A mini-reading response section here (literature review). Write about your thinking on resources that have been and will be helpful to you. Do not forget to talk to real people who are experts in your topic. (Refer to reference list that will be in APA style in your Appendix section.) ***


4.                  Ethics/Accountability – what permissions have you collected? Why? What ethical/legal issues have you considered? To whom are you accountable and why? (Refer to your permission form(s) in your Appendix section.) ***


5.                  Support – be quick and clear here, but requires at least some thinking in writing (i.e. my principal because she’s interested in the project and wanting to support me, my teacher-research group from my cohort because…, etc.)


6.                  Timeline – be quick and clear. Use UNM timeline and fill in your own ideas as you can.


7.                  Data Collection – be clear and to the point (bulleted list would be fine here.)


8.                  Data Analysis – what do you anticipate for analysis of data? A place to write and show off thinking. ***


9.                  Appendix(es) – Reference list in APA format, permission form(s), any data collection methods you’ve developed (i.e. questionnaires, interview questions, etc.) Include your Parent Permission Form and Student Permission Form.



***Show off good thinking in writing and planning


"Don't aim for success if you want it;
just do what you love and it will come naturally."
--David Frost






LLSS501: Practitioner Research                                         

Fall 2008  |  UNM San Juan Center





Calendar #1: Defining Teacher-Research

“The storytelling art of research” – Vicki Holmsten


THURS.|Aug. 28        Introduction to course

                                    Writing prompt: Stories-Gem, House, Frog

Big R & r :Key questions & Stereotypes

                                    Hero’s Journey metaphor

Brainstorm your questions, Kuhlthau,

Syllabus – Blog at



Read Articles: Teacher Research: Myths and Realities by Kutz & The Teacher

  Research Movement by Cochran-Smith and Lytle

Complete UNM IRB Human Subjects Modules toward completion certification

See Teachers as Researchers Grant at


THURS.|SEPT. 4       Discuss Hubbard & Power, chapter 1 (Why Teacher Research?)

POS                            Program of Studies complete for UNM OGS

                                    Assignments due: Reading as above.

Copies of 1-2 key pages from your teacher-journal (key moments, questions, ideas you want response to).

Read Article: It All Adds Up by Sanford & Malarkey’s Inquiry for Equity: What does it mean for Teacher Research

Complete UNM IRB Human Subjects Modules toward completion


THURS.|SEPT. 11     Forming the question.

                                    Discuss Hubbard & Power, chapter 2, (Questions evolving)

                                                                        Assignments due: Reading from text as above.

                                    Journal Sharing – experiences and ideas. Research topic ideas.

                                    Analyze Reading Reflection paper sample (Mary Schumacher-Hoerner).

                                    Assignments due: Discuss Malarkey’s Inquiry for Equity: What does it mean for                                                                      Teacher Research & Sanford’s It Al Adds Up

Complete UNM IRB Human Subjects Modules toward completion

6pm SJC Library and Student Success Center computer lab

SJC Library with Joseph & Computer Lab

Electronic Database Searching

1.                   Locate articles of interest to you that uses classroom-based research. Using SJC or UNM electronic education databases search using terms action research, teacher research, practitioner research, teacher-as-scholar, practical inquiry, interactive research, classroom inquiry, or practice-centered inquiry. Locate an article of interest to you that uses classroom-based research. Write a brief response in your journal and bring a copy of the article to discuss. Draw upon your own experience from other sources-classroom research.

2.                   Begin searching for topics related to your own research interests. Email articles to yourself. Ask lots of questions now. The databases are valuable tools in accessing information relevant to your research.

3.                   Student Success Center Computer Lab scheduled to use individual computers for the rest of the session.


Complete UNM IRB Human Subjects Modules toward completion certification



THURS.|SEPT. 18     Guest, Rebel Palm, UNM Graduate Student Writing Center

Unlocking the mysteries of the Literature review



THURS.|SEPT. 25     Present Hanging Around and chapter 3 from Hubbard & Power.

                                    Hanging Around research partners meet at designated place on Oct. 2.

                                    Report to seminar at 6:30pm

                                    Assignments due:

                                    Copies of 1-2 key pages from your teacher-journal (key questions, moments, ideas you want response to.)

Complete UNM IRB Human Subjects Modules toward completion



HANGIN’ AROUND NIGHT      EMAIL: Reading Reflection Paper #1 (on or before today) at .

                                    Read Article: Voice of Practitioners by Henderson, Meier, Perry

Assignments due: Read Hubbard & Power, chapter 3 (Research Plans) & Review previously read chapters from Hubbard &  Power



Thoughts about Teacher Research Classroom Journal

Ongoing and looking ahead—your teacher journal should be approached with dedication to the cause (i.e. keep up with it consistently!) Read beyond assignments as possible, into other pieces of the text and outside sources. Make connections to other reading from your other graduate courses in this program. You should be thinking toward your own classroom project. What in your own practice raises questions for you?


Remember that your question ultimately is for you, about you and your students. Your passion, degree of enthusiasm, interest and conviction will guide you in this process. Trust yourself.























Calendar #2: Planning as Teacher-Researchers


THURS.|OCT. 9         MIDTERM Conferences & Midterm evaluation & summary


Complete UNM IRB Human Subjects Modules and print completion of certificate      



THURS.|OCT. 16       Hangin’ Around Discussion (in the field-what is it like to be a researcher)

                                    Looking at the world through different lenses –Jose Chung from The X-Files.

                                    Ethics and Accountability.

                                    Writing Groups on revising questions

                                    Assignments due: Hubbard & Power, pages 60-61 and chapter 9

                                                                       Review Midterm Evaluation & Summary

                                                                        Henderson, et. al. Voices of Practitioners

Read Articles: Clark & Moss article & Ethical Guidelines for Student  


                                    Photocopies of 1-2 key pages from teacher journal (key questions, moments, ideas you want response to.)

Complete UNM IRB Human Subjects Modules toward completion        


THURS.|OCT. 23       WORK at Home Night

Setting up mini-inquiries to pilot Your question.

                                    WORK on DRAFT of UNM IRB form (if needed)

                                    Assignment due: Hubbard & Power, Chapter 4.

                                                                   RESEARCH QUESTION due.

                                    Reading Reflection paper #2 (on or before today)

Complete UNM IRB Human Subjects Modules toward completion


THURS.|OCT. 30       Writing Workshop night on research proposal drafts

Bring all your stuff (data! notes!) and any useful materials and tools

                                    (laptops, drawing paper, colorful pens/pencils, and…..)


Data Analysis. Working on first results from mini-inquiries.

                                    More on data analysis and mini-inquiries.

Assignments due: Hubbard & Power, Chapter 5.

                                    Reading Reflection paper #3 (on or before today)

UNM IRB Application

                                    Assignment due: Hubbard & Power, Chapter 6. As far as you can

                                    possibly get in putting together what you need to draft this proposal.



THURS.|NOV. 6         Complete draft of RESEARCH PROPOSAL & Chapter 10

                                    Bring enough copies for your writing group.

                                    Short (10-15 minutes maximum) oral reports to your group on your research brief.

                                    Assignment due: RESEARCH PROPOSAL & Chapter 10



THURS.|NOV. 13       Research Proposal Oral Presentations for San Juan Center committee

                                    Letter of Intent due 11/20


THURS.|NOV. 20       Writing up research. Suggested format for your next semester’s project write up.

                                    Assignment due: Hubbard & Power, Chapters 7 & 8.

                                    Copies of previous research proposals available

                                    Looking ahead to next semester’s group plans

Reading Reflection paper #4 (on or before today)



THURS.| DEC. 5, 12  Oral Presentations to UNM TED Committee

            Or TBA           Tentative schedule dates-more information to come as it develops.

Debriefing from committee meetings.



THURS.|DEC. 15-19  Submit Class IRB as EXPEDITED STATUS.






  • Your teacher journal should be turning into your professional best friend. Stay with it! It is a gold mine and will form the basis for your research work. Don’t just observe-analyze, think, dig deeper, mine, cook those notes.



  • Reading response papers-stay with the program and do them consistently. Use your reading from this course, including assigned texts and other resources you find. Also please use other reading you’ve done in your M.A. program that helps you think toward your research project. It should all start coming together for you. As with your journal—think, make connections, dig deeper. The Big Question—how does this make you think about yourself as a teacher and scholar??!!































Reading Reflection Paper Format:


Include the following sections (and label these sections in your narrative)


  1. Sources (APA format-cite your source in APA style as INTEXT AND REFERENCES)
  2. Notes and Responses
  3. Culminating Question
  4. Further Reading/Plans


Reading Reflection papers: (4 total)

Synthesizing your observations/reflections from reading of texts combined with your own research and outside reading work. 3 pages minimum per paper, turned in or on before specified due dates (see class calendar). These papers must meet the following minimum criteria in order to receive credit:


  • Reference to more than one reading source;
  • Use of at least one source outside assigned course reading (this may include sources from other grad program courses);
  • Reflection on the reading (not just summary) demonstrating the writer’s thinking as well as connections between reading;
  • APA documentation;
  • Good control of standards and mechanics of written English


Please be conscientious and diligent when writing your reading reflections, for papers will be returned to you for missing parts, weak or superficial synthesis. The amount of effort you give to your background reading and synthesis in this proposal stage now will become a sagacious investment towards the writing of your research in the spring 2008.











Teacher Journal Reflections




1-2 pages of teacher journal

Sept. 4



1-2 pages of teacher journal

Sept. 18



1-2 pages of teacher journal








Midterm Evaluation/Summary

Oct. 9



Midterm Conferences

Oct. 9








Draft of UNM IRB 

Oct. 16



WRITING NIGHT for proposal draft!

Oct. 30



IRB Human Subjects Modules & Print Certificate

Aug. 28-Oct. 16



Complete DRAFT of Research Proposal

Nov. 6



Research Proposal Oral Presentation to San Juan Center committee

Nov. 13



Oral Presentations to UNM TED Committee

Dec. 5, 12 or TBA




Dec. 15-19







Reading Reflection Paper #1  (

Sept. 25



Reading Reflection Paper #2

Oct. 23



Reading Reflection Paper #3

Oct. 30



Reading Reflection Paper #4

Nov. 20







Final Evaluation/Summary

Dec. 4-11



Final Conferences

Dec. 4-11















September 4, 2008

(October 1)




Program of Study for Master's Degree Form Deadline for Spring 2009

Make sure you have requested and on file with UNM all your official transcripts prior to Sept. 4 deadline



The deadline for students to submit the Program of Studies form to the Office of Graduate Studies for students graduating Spring 2009.


November 20, 2008

(December 15)



Proposed Graduation List for Spring 2009

Complete letter of Intent to graduate



Departmental deadline for submission of proposed graduation lists of students graduating Spring 2009.

March 12, 2009


Announcement of Oral Examination   Spring 2009

 April 3, 2009


Report of Oral Examination  Spring 2009