LLSS 538Text | Description |
MONDAYS 5-8pm January 26 - May 10 Office Hours before class on Moday before class and by appointment
Mailing Address | Box 3528 Farmington, NM 87499 Phone Number | 505.324.0894 E-mail Address | abiyoyoyo@yahoo.com
SPEECH COMMUNICATION | INTRODUCTION TO LIBRARIES & BOOMS | EDU 443 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE, Spring 2001 | CIMTE 443 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Class Collection, Spring 2001 | EDU 238 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE, Spring 2001 | EDU 238 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Class Collection, Spring 2001 | CIMTE 443 Children's Literature Class Collection Summer 2002 | EDU 443 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Course, Fall 2003 | CIMTE 443 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Class Collection, Fall 2003 | LLSS READING IN THE CONTENET AREAS, Spring 2004
UNM COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Upper Division Teacher Education Program GOALS
The purpose of this course is
to extend you thinking about the concept of literacy, theoretically and practically, to further critically analyze learning and literacy instruction as educators. Content area reading has grown into a more reflective exploration of content literacy - the ability to use reading, writing, speaking and listening processes to learn subject matter across the curriculum. To truly become lifelong learners and readers, it is even more critical to be able to 'read the world' of text in its various media. Our professional role as educators dictates that we begin the philosophical and theoretical discussions that lead to the implementation of strategic teaching and strategic processing. We will take our leads from Jim Burke, the author of our texts, as well as outside readings from professional literature to guide our course of study.
“We must look at the lens through which we see the world as well as the world we see, and recognize that the lens itself shapes how we interpret the world.”
(Steven Covey, from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
By the end of the course, students will: Understand literacy as a social phenomenon; Acquire a working understanding of constructivist theory; Explore their own and other's intellectual/literacy histories; Develop increased skill in strategic teaching and processing utlilizing various reading strategies in reading and writing in content areas; Use their understanding of literacy to inform and conceptualize effective instructional practices. Participate in the Socratic method of inquiry; Develop increased skill in implementing the Learning Record Student Assessment. Academic integrity is expected of you and is to be reflected in your assignments and projects. Refer to UNM Code of Conduct and Matters of Disciplinary Action in the UNM Course Catalog.
ATTENDANCE: ATTENDANCE: Your success in this course depends on your attendance and active participation in fulfilling the responsibilities of the course. It is important that you complete readings, reflection responses, and other assignments on time because class and group discussions will be based on them. Your presence, personal and professional preparedness will weigh heavily in your final course grade.
Please arrange work and appointment schedules so that you can attend each session for there will be no make-up work given. Lateness is considered a serious interference with your progress in this class and excessive tardiness will affect your final grade.
The instructor reserves the right to drop any student:
GRADING CRITERIA (130 total points) A GRADE = completion of all course assignments and projects with a high (130-120) level of academic excellence which includes surpassing minimum expectations. B GRADE completion of all course assignments and projects with an above average (119-109) level of academic achievement. C GRADE = completion of all course assignments and projects with a satisfactory or minimum (108-98) level of academic achievement. F GRADE = fails to show competency in course work and content. NO INCOMPLETE GRADES WILL BE GIVEN.
LLSS 538Text | Description |
Created 24 January 2004
Last Updated 8 February 2004 by the author |