have you learned about your question? What have you learned from your students
about your question?
have you found out related to your question?
evidence has addressed or answered your question(s)? Events, student work
samples, anecdotal notes, writing journal, student reflections, observations of
or conversations with your students, interviews, surveys, questionnaires, test
results, other kinds of student responses, parent feedback, your own reactions
and reflections.
related explorations or questions have come to mind as you have analyzed your
research and started drawing conclusions? Your research may have led to more
questions than to definitive answers to your question. What other questions
have you uncovered in the process?
Note from Vicki Holmsten:
“It is natural that elements will shift as you work on the study. In
fact, if things didn’t shift around, I would be more suspicious. This tells me
that you are in fact going in with an observational mind open enough to see
things you might not have expected. There is no magic formula for any of this,
but my solution when faced with this kind of situation is to write about it in
the report. I think you can report how you started, the shift in focus, and
then what you found…”
might you summarize the learning you have gained concerning your question(s)?
will you share the results, or what you learned? In other words how will you repackage this information to share with
others to understand? Through lists, stories, charts or graphs, figures or
diagrams, photographs?
your review of the literature, have others found similar results to the same or
related questions? How do those results compare with yours?
research project is the capstone of your Master’s program. What have you
learned in your courses that relates to your question(s)? How could you draw
upon your course texts and content, class notes, interactions with instructors,
or experiences in class to gain understanding of your question and the data you
have collected? Correlating and connecting previous class work with your question
is relevant and demonstrates your ability to apply, synthesize, analyze, and
comprehend the knowledge base you have acquired during your master’s program.
What understandings might now give you important insight?
Analyzing Data:
Coding data = finding
or recognizing themes, categories, dimensions new levels of awareness through
observation, anecdotal records, reflection, student samples, interviews,
surveys, questionnaires
Winnowing process = not all information is
Choreographed = not-off-the-shelf; rather
custom-built; seen through your eyes and staged with your style of drama and
Learn by doing = intuitive relying on insight, intuition and impressions
Charts and
diagrams offer other ways of seeing….”Researchers who think spatially work
through their charts and diagrams in order to literally ‘see’ their students
before them, whereas most of us are constrained by the regimented vision of
prose. Some qualitative researchers conceptualize and work systematically
through their studies with huge charts and diagrams drawn on inexpensive
newsprint spread across their walls or floors” (Wolcott, 1987, pp. 63-64).
Wolcott, H. (1987). “On ethnographic intent.” In Interpretive ethnography of education: At
home and abroad, eds. G. Spindler & L. Spindler.